Executive Placement
Leadership Matters.
For 30 years B&A has been a leader in Executive Placement at the C-suite and director levels in Consumer Branding, Advertising, and Entertainment.
What is the process of identifying, attracting and retaining leaders?
Our Executive Placement Process (EPP) reviews the universe of people who have the skill-set for your key opening. Some of these may be people in your own company. Only a few will be “looking,” or easy to attract. Our EPP thoughtfully reviews them all, and puts you in a position to attract and retain the best possible person.
Our Proactive Placement Program (PPP) works to identify, in advance of a defined need, top people you may want to attract to your company. One of our clients wrote, “I never again have to look at an open position as an urgent problem, but as an opportunity to hire someone I already like.”
Our EPP and PPP work seamlessly with your own leadership development plans to identify, attract and retain talented leaders who serve all your stakeholders; growth leaders who hew to multiple bottom lines in a global, “always-on” environment; leaders who connect and protect your company’s Vision, Values and Voice to build Brand Momentum.